AKATSUKI CO.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “AKATSUKI”) determines the following policy related to the gathering, usage and handling of personal information, based on the laws of Japan“ Act on the Protection of Personal Information”(Act No.57 of May 30, 2003) and related ordinances.


AKATSUKI’s stance to pertaining to the “Privacy Policy”


AKATSUKI respects the information provided by any individuals. Therefore AKATSUKI establishes the secure inner regulations and administrative structure on doing with personal information while in familiarizes both the directors and staff with them, and provide thorough protection, governance, appropriate treatment and usage based on the following policy.


Privacy Policy – Direction on Protection of Personal Information


  1. AKATSUKI complies with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”, related laws, ordinances, guidelines and policies determined by the Japanese government.
  2. AKATSUKI establishes the administrative structure on personal information while familiarizes both the directors and staffs with the related inner regulation and tries to uphold the prevention of leaks, inappropriate access, loss or damage and safety of the personal information and data.
  3. AKATSUKI will not provide the personal information collected from the customers to a 3rd party without the prior consent from the said customers otherwise required under the applicable laws.
  4. AKATSUKI will answer within a reasonable manner and timely fashion to the inquiries and requests of disclosures of the personal information of said customers.
  5. AKATSUKI will try to keep the personal information and data updated and proper while taking preventive actions to prevent the inappropriate access, loss, damage, change or leaks of personal information.


Determined on 1st July, 2017



Yukio Nagano


The purpose of personal information usage

1.   Information of customers

(1) to provide our products and services

(2) to respond customers’ requests and/or enquiries

(3) for talks and meetings with customers

2.   Information of applicants for employment

(1) to provide opportunity of information exchange and to make contact with the applicants


About the disclosure of personal information

If the users would like to stop, amend, change or delete the personal information which we collected from the customers, please make an inquiry to the following contact.

*The governing language of this “Privacy Policy” shall be Japanese.

The English translation is made for reference purpose only.


Contact for Inquiry of Personal Information


Please make a call if you have any questions, requests and inquiries about Personal Information.

TEL: +81-3-5348-7511
Opening hours : 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday to Friday (except national holidays)