We are ready to help build a better future for our society

I’ve been exclusively engaged in the LCD industry for 33 years, ever since I started working in 1981.

However, my view point has changed completely since the massive earthquake struck northeast Japan on March 11, 2011.

The disaster reminded me that we only live once, that our time is limited.

That thought motivated me to explore my potential and continue to grow.

I started Akatsuki on June 1, 2011, three months after the earthquake, to utilize the know-how we accumulated.

The establishment of our company had a profound meaning for me as a means to appreciate and give back to the people who have supported me in the LCD industry.

Better Society, Brighter Future

Our company’s long-term goal is to advance the global development and distribution of our products. Especially, we look forward to do with German companies.


Germany plays a leading role in the EU. Furthermore, I am strongly inspired by its trustworthy and reliable culture, qualities that are gradually being lost by people in our modern time.


We’d like to launch attractive new business ventures in cooperation with German corporations.


We remain committed to our long-term vision: to offer innovative products, and also play an important role as a bridge between Japan and the world.

Yukio Nagano
July 2017